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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Please select your language/Seleccione su idioma

Student Information
The questions in this next section should be answered about the Student applying for HEAF programs.

Student's Primary Address (If student lives in more than one home please choose one for the Primary Address):

Student Contact Information
The questions in this next section should be answered about the Student applying for HEAF programs. We will ask about parent/guardian information on a following page. 

You can find a resource for creating an email account for your child here.

Partner Schools

Partner Schools


Current Student School Information
There are 1400+ schools in NYC, please enter the Borough and District to see a shorter list of schools from which to choose. You can search for your school and district here.

Please enter the information below for the school you CURRENTLY attend.

If you are unable to find your school, please check the box below and write-in the name of your school:

Next Year's Student School Information
Please enter the information below for the school you will be attending NEXT YEAR.

If you are unable to find your school, please check the box below and write-in the name of your school:

HEAF Programming Information

Report Card/Grades

Please Let us know your most recent scores in these subject areas:

Please Let us know your most recent scores in these subject areas:

Please Let us know your most recent scores in these subject areas:


Please provide the names and email addresses of 2 people who can recommend the student applying to HEAF. Recommenders should be individuals who can speak to the student’s character and academic performance. The first recommender should be an Academic recommendation (teacher, counselor, etc) and the second recommender can be Academic as well or can be Personal (non immediate family).

Recommender #1 (Academic)

Recommender #2

Recommender #3

Testing Student School Information
School District School Grade
Current school information
Next year's school information
Testing Dynamic From SFDC

Household Information
Please answer the following questions in regards to the household in which the Student applying lives.

Please note that income information is for internal use ONLY. It will not be used for or against applicants and families in any way, nor will this information be made public.

Household Information (Parent/Guardian 1)
Please respond to the questions below with information about one and only one parent or guardian. You will have a chance to enter information about additional parents/guardians below.

Household Information (Parent/Guardian 2)

Household Information (Siblings)
Please tell us a bit about your sibling(s). If you have more than one, please use the "Add another response" link to add more.

At this time we are only able to accept information about up to 5 siblings.
There are two parts to the Application Materials section below. One is for Parents/Guardians of students to reply to, and the other is for the Student applying to reply to.
Parent/Guardian Application Questions

Student Application Questions

Admissions Portal 

While basic information of one or more recommenders was required previously in this application, it is the student's job to inform their reference that someone from HEAF will be reaching out. In order to do this, the student should visit the Admissions Portal. Here, the student will find links to send to their recommenders. 

The Admissions Portal also allows students to view the status of their application. In order to login to this portal, the student should use the student email provided in this application and their first name. The student will only be able to login after this application is submitted, so make sure to save the link!

Just a few more questions before you can hit Submit!